Retirement of Stasis

Yes, it is true… Stasis is being canceled. It was a tough decision but there were too many things going wrong in development for me to keep pushing through. It isn’t something that I want but it is for the best. Retirement of Stasis (more…)

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Revised Game Design

This week I have been working on Game Design related issues with the game. I noticed that time powers weren’t a central focus to the gameplay while I was testing…

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Scrambling Blocks

I have been working on updating the cluster feature to include fading away. What this does is after a period of time on the field the clusters fade away and…

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Manipulation of Time

After a long delay... I finally implemented the beginnings of the time powers. So far the "Freeze time" and the "Slow time" have been implemented. They are pretty self-explanatory: one…

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Optimizing Gameplay

Recently, I have been fixing up some issues with my older code. That is why in the last update you seen more movement features. I am doing this now so down the…

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Grid Pods Explained

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I want to take this time to talk about one of the main features in the game that I briefly talked about. I want to talk about Grid Pods. I…

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