Revised Game Design

This week I have been working on Game Design related issues with the game. I noticed that time powers weren’t a central focus to the gameplay while I was testing…

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Creating Backgrounds

Recently, as I have said before, I have been busy with other projects, but I just got more time to work on the game. I also found a workaround for…

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Errors and Delays

Recently, I have been busy with a number of other projects so I couldn't work on Stasis for a bit. Not only that but I have encountered a bug in…

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Tribe Games on LinkedIn

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Tribe Games is finally on LinkedIn! Check it out here: Tribe Games on LinkedIn I will try to update all the social outlets that Tribe Games is a part of…

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Scrambling Blocks

I have been working on updating the cluster feature to include fading away. What this does is after a period of time on the field the clusters fade away and…

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Return to Stasis

I have been getting back to work on Stasis after the release of Glitch in the System. I learned a lot from the experience and will be putting a lot…

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Glitch in the System – Postmortem

Glitch in the System Config Dialog Image

This is going to be an extremely long post so please keep that in mind. This post will be pertaining to how I made “Glitch in the System”; the development process, the release, what went right and wrong, I even go into detail about art and music in their own section. I also want to highlight some of the game design elements that I utilized in the game in the hopes to teach or inspire others. You can jump from section to section or read the PowerPoint presentation that will be embedded in the post at the end to give a briefer version of it. Before I start I would like to point you towards another postmortem if you are interested in reading: THREES – A tiny puzzle that grows on you. A great read just be prepared for a very, VERY long one.


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